Please reply here if you would like to be a moderator. I don’t expect it to be too much work, and it should be perfect for someone who hasn’t been a moderator before.
You can also help get the community off the ground by foraging for content and sharing cool things you find related to tan eggs (articles, photos, images etc.)
I am often reminded by myself and others that I can be slow on the uptake, but what exactly is a tan egg? Field mice? I’m intrigued, but I would like more information. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for cute, positive energy on our site.
As for field mice, I think they would fit nicely (prey, mammal, tan egg)
For sure! The name is based on a meme that I saw (linked below). Since there are a lot of animals that fit that niche from around the world, I thought that it could work well as a community.
Here are my thoughts on what the community might look like. I have it in the sidebar, but I’m open to making changes based on feedback:
“When I’m a small prey mammal and I’ve evolved to survive the barren rocky landscape by optimizing into a tan egg”
For posts about animals that loosely fit the description above. While the animal does not have to hit all the requirements, it should hit some of them: