This is ridiclous

      5 months ago

      You can accurately preach best usecases all you want it falls flat before peopled experience.

      I always shutdown my desktop. So did i with all my previous desktops.

      Ive always shut down every windows/linux laptop i ever had.

      I shut down my android tablet after use.

      I owned and mainly used a MacBook pro for 5 years, i never shut it down, i never shutdown my iPhone. It was also ironically the best windows laptop i had owned at that point (in dual boot) and i always shut down when i worked in Windows, just never in macos

      Apple did not tell me to do this, it is not difficult to shutdown a mac, no one told me to change what i am used to. It just somehow made the most sense so thats how i used it. And i reverted naturally when i ent back to non apple desktops. I cant explain it better then that.

      This does not excuse having a power button on the bottom, thats just ridiculous. Just a hint that what your saying about downsides is irrelevant to how people realistically use it.

          5 months ago

          I recognize this may be a very autistic answer (i am)

          The function of a button is to be pressed, to put functionality on the bottom of a stationary device feels incredibly wrong. Thats really all there is to it.

          I can forgive a reset button being on the bottom because ideally they aren’t ever pressed and you definitely don’t want them accidentally pressed. I recognize that for macos a restart is usually a reset troubleshooting step and i would be probably be fine with it the button was renamed with an explanation on its actual usecase scenario.

          In any regards i feel like it makes much more sense on the back where the cables go in.

          I have nothing against apple besides the general capitalist/consumerism stuff. I hate google and meta much more.