Vote for the change you want to see.

The Republican party got remade because trumpists showed up and outvoted the party elites. No reason it can’t happen for the Left except for laziness and apathy.

If all the progressives furious about the state of affairs now had shown up for Sanders in 2016, I doubt we’d be in this hellish timeline. Sadly, he needed the young progressive vote to show up.

    4 months ago

    Yeah, I know exactly why you memed it and I’m only poking fun since 2024 was primary-less. I’m not sure if anyone would have approached Gaza differently (save for some of the crazier options, like Tulsi Gabbard) because even Bernie might find himself in a bind on this one.

    At this point I almost fell like we just need more people to get into politics. More AOCs rising the ranks, but even getting smarter people running the DNC. Too bad most of the poli-sci people I’ve met in school were dense as hell.

    Edit: oh dear, 2020 was more depressing primary than I remember. Biden won such Democratic strongholds as… Oklahoma. Texas. Arkansas. Alabama. etc etc. I get that the minority blue in those states should get some say, but they are who you can thank for Biden. I mean, Florida handed him 162 delegates to Bernie’s 57. Ugh.