I feel like the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies did that well. Sure their absurd but it kinda works into the favor of the movie. Also the acting of basically everyone helped, especially Willem Dafoe chewing the scenery.
Raimi achieved the melodrama that Schumacher had missed.
It helps that Spider-Man fights are mostly face versus heel, without requiring an army of goons. Dozens of randos getting biff-whap-pow’d is fine. Having them show up in villain-themed uniforms raises some questions.
I feel like the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies did that well. Sure their absurd but it kinda works into the favor of the movie. Also the acting of basically everyone helped, especially Willem Dafoe chewing the scenery.
Raimi achieved the melodrama that Schumacher had missed.
It helps that Spider-Man fights are mostly face versus heel, without requiring an army of goons. Dozens of randos getting biff-whap-pow’d is fine. Having them show up in villain-themed uniforms raises some questions.