Posts not appearing in communities when other group actors are mentioned.
Tried making a post (link below) to a lemmy community while also mentioning two other groups. My post never appeared in the Lemmy community.
This seems like a bug, when I tried posting to two lemmy communities at once the first went through, the second did not.
Does anyone know what’s up with this?
No. You can’t crosspost to two or more Lemmy communities at once. AFAICS, that’s fully deliberate and intentional by design to keep people from spamming Lemmy with mass-crossposts.
What it fixes is trouble with crossposting to Lemmy, Friendica/Hubzilla/(streams) and Guppe groups. You can’t mention these in any order you like. You always have to begin with one Lemmy community. If a Lemmy community is not mentioned first, it will be ignored, no matter what is mentioned first.
Also, apparently, mentioning Guppe groups before a Friendica group, a Hubzilla forum or a (streams) group doesn’t work either.