The perks of winter:

  • it is easier to keep warm during winter than it is to keep cool in the summer
  • get to wear more clothings which means more pockets to carry things
  • all the hell spawned insects go into hibernation
  • everything layered in a blanket of snow glistens and sparkles.
  • can build stuff with snow so easily
  • unpleasant people are deterred or avoid going out as they are bitter about the snow so less likely to encounter them in the winter.
  • the weaklings rely more on help as they are not strong enough for winter
  • can do more exercising without overheating
    5 months ago

    Living in a place where winter used to mean lots of snow and regularly hitting below 0°F but now is mostly rain. Hearing the phrase “at least it isn’t snow” on a 95°F day makes me want to punch them. Same for complaining about winter weather when it’s so much more mild than it used to be. Fuck global warming and fuck everyone who’s happy about its warmer weather.