• Captain Aggravated
    5 months ago

    Theaters have always been more fun to go to for a movie you actually care about.

    I’m not convinced that’s true. Clerks and Mall Rats both bombed at the box office but were huge on VHS. I don’t know if I’d want to sit in a movie theater and watch Groundhog Day. I don’t need “Ned! RYERSON!” bigger than god booming down at me from a 30 foot screen and a 90 gigawatt sound system. Some movies are designed to be watched on a couch with your legs pulled up beside you clutching a cup of hot tea. Or to be laughed at and riffed on with friends. Some movies work best when watched several times, maybe even while doing something else, just listening to the dialog as it plays on the living room television while you’re doing the dishes, letting the dialog simmer long and low on your mind’s back burner.

    I find movies that rely on the spectacle of the big screen and powerful sound system just aren’t that interesting. I mean, I saw Transformers in the theater and I haven’t wanted to see a movie for its special effects since. “Spectacular” has become a synonym of “noisy” to me. And that’s functionally all they make now.