What shows have you grown out of, or has society grown out of? Were they popular in their time? Were they not so much? Why do you feel like they’ve aged? I’ll leave mine below

  • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.techOP
    4 months ago

    I’m rewatching How I Met Your Mother. One of my favorite rewatch shows, especially when I’m feeling a bit low it’s a feel good show.

    But man has it not aged well. Spoilers ahead if you care:

    Barney is just sexist, flat out. What I (and most Americans) thought was funny 15 years ago is just not anymore, how he thinks women are just dumb items to be used makes my stomach turn just a bit now. They redeem it a bit later with him realizing why he was like that with past trauma, but that doesn’t make up for several seasons of that behavior.

    Ted was a lovable romantic when I first watched, but now he seems just as bad as Barney, if not a bit worse. At least Barney is obvious about his womanizing, Ted is with dozens of women, and lies just as much as Barney does all while whining about not being able to find true love.

    Robin and Marshall are pretty fine on my radar, both have issues, but nothing huge in my book.

    Lily is probably the worst character, and just a straight up narcisist. Her problems are always the most important problems no matter what else she goes for. The biggest ones I have seen

    • Saying yes to marry Marshall, then not telling him of her worries and just up and leaving
    • Coming back to Marshall and being surprised when he doesn’t just jump at the opportunity
    • Being mad at Ted who put Marshall back together after she left
    • Hiding what seems to be tens of thousands of dollars of Credit Card debt from Marshall, even into their marriage
    • Pushing Marshal to take jobs he hates to continue hiding her credit card debt
    • Puts Ted’s career in danger for her own selfish reasons (with his Boss’ baseball)
    • Continuously breaks up anyone she doesn’t personally approve of, this happened multiple times to Ted, she attempts to break up Robin and Barney, and does it a few other times in the show
    • When Marshall finally is happy in his corporate job (that again she pushed him into) she has this meltdown realizing he’s gone corporate and literally says “I want you to be the person I fell in love with”. What?! Who says that about their spouse?
    • When Marshall does change his values and decides to leave said corporate job, he is un-employed for a few months. (Few months). Lily has a meltdown in this time and abandons him to go on a solo trip to Spain saying he “Doesn’t pay attention to her anymore”. So lose-lose for Marshall. Then we’re supposed to clap and be happy that she decides not to go after abandoning Ted at the airport.
    • My number one hated one, she comes up with the “8 or higher” rule when she does have a child. Nothing her friends say is relevant to her unless she and Marshall deem it an “8 or higher”. It doesn’t matter if it was a breakup, or someone needed some support, or whatever, unless it was life altering it was not important.

    Lily is one of the worst characters on television. She is manipulative, constantly plays the victim card, and is arguably worse than Barney. This didn’t start out as a rant against her…but here we are. Now that I’ve seen it, I can’t unsee it.

    • abysmalpoptart@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I’ve watched this series several times, and i think a lot of what you are saying is fair, but i think you miss the point a bit on Barney. The entire show is a framed story of Ted retelling things that happened decades earlier. The way the show is written, Ted is making it seem like Barney behaves over the top, either to fit his narrative or simply because that’s how he remembers it.

      One of the reasons it’s funny is because a lot of people know “that one guy or girl” who behaves that way, but then when you tell stories about that person you make it even more wild.

      Lily does suck though, and I’m surprised she’s still friends with anyone