• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I think that’s certainly part of it. Imo, it’s a few things more also, not that you said it wasn’t anything else too:

    Included in what you said, voter suppression. People being bombarded into apathy, has really kicked up a notch. Its identifying who’s susceptible and spamming them like mad with things the data you have on them says will work specifically.

    There’s a real core of people in every country thats incredibly easy to wind up with emotive narratives that have enough truthyness to override what might otherwise be sound critical judgment skills.

    America’s real problem is that the direct line to those people and their data is owned by a very small group of very wealthy people. On top of that, you have interference from a country that seems to some how be even better than America at foreign election interference and they’re very pro trump.

    That’s before you get to the Democrats who, even if they were or weren’t any good, have to sell their soul to the highest bidder just to come close to Republican election spending. The side who spends the most is always the side who wins and a democrat will only ever be given enough money to win if they compromise to an extent that they’re, right or wrong, not different enough for a lot of Americans.

    My country’s greatest export is class subjugation. America’s is the manufacture of consent. America was amazing at it even before social media etc. which would be a dictators dream. Now, I’m not saying the people with all the power are as bad as bad as stalin or anything like that. But, with something like that at your disposal, you wouldn’t have to be.

    TLDR: America is the ever evolving blueprint to how consent will be manufactured around the world.