[Insert: This is not legal advice blurb, don’t do and don’t encourage anything illegal]

[Insert: appeal to authority as to why I should post this question and should have your attention]

[Insert: divulging something specific only to me or to maybe a few hundred people in [country/continent] to ideally encourage engagement so more people reply]

Just curious.

  • ajdndkk
    4 months ago

    I change my identities often. So if one identity is doxed it does not matter since I probably just used it for some not important debates. This makes them harder to link them sincr no identity has enough details to fully dox me and get linked with other identities.

    This is true however only for being doxed by general public. Police however could easily dox me by my IP without me giving out anything.

    For high risk stuff I use tor and single use identities.