It could be days — or even weeks — before Americans know who will control the House of Representatives in the next Congress, setting up what could be a long and anxious window of uncertainty surrou…
That’s why we’re concerned about a gambit to disqualify or at least delay seating Representatives from contested districts past the 6th. There isn’t clear guidance on this, and House Rules are House Business. It’ll come down to the US House Parliamentarian, perhaps.
/maybe. Almost nobody knows this stuff
//Not OP. I’m the other one.
/// {edit) 'sup, grue?? We meet again.
That’s why we’re concerned about a gambit to disqualify or at least delay seating Representatives from contested districts past the 6th. There isn’t clear guidance on this, and House Rules are House Business. It’ll come down to the US House Parliamentarian, perhaps.
/maybe. Almost nobody knows this stuff
//Not OP. I’m the other one.
/// {edit) 'sup, grue?? We meet again.