• eldavi@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    i’ve also been banned for sharing controversial opinions despite being as respectful as possible and i think that’s to be expected if you try to share dissenting perspectives in instances that are unfriendly to it in the tribal environment that defines all social media today.

    american politics has morphed into intense tribalism as evidenced by successful efforts like republicans labeling their old guard as rino’s in their rightward shift and democrats demonizing their leftists as tankies in their own similar rightward shift; both of these are one of many examples that all serve to drown out all rational discourse and have led us to our current situation in both the election and the lemmyverse.

    i’ve had to switch social media platforms since before it was called social media and doing it so many times over the decades has taught me the hard way not to become so entrenched in any of them that it becomes “painful to leave”; doing so turns that punishment into a reflection of the punisher’s character.

    there’s little point in trying to be part of a close minded fold if you don’t naturally fit in; no matter how much of an overwhelming majority it is; and trying to do so will only help make their punishment worse for you if you can’t make it work on the short leash that they will put on you.

    you have alternatives on the lemmyverse and they’re self sustaining due to that overwhelming majority’s actions. they can work for you if you don’t want to be on a lemmy leash; but only if you can accept that their own tribalism is born out of experiences like the one you’re having right now and use your own experiences to try to understand where they’re coming from and what they’re trying to share. you will fail many times if you do and they will hammer you on it; but they have their own experiences with leashes and punishments like yours and that makes them more likely to know how to turn something like a ban into a chance to learn.

    • mindbleach
      4 months ago

      “Controversial” as in factually and philosophically unclear, or “controversial” as in denialist bigotry to perform ingroup loyalty?

      In your case, looks like the former.

      In OP’s case… no.