I despise this person so much and I can not understand how they like him. But they are leading in the polls, so it seems I’m in a minority. Yay.
The speech Scholz gave tonight might have been the first time I’ve felt something like respect for him. I still think he’s a wet paper towel of a man and I “suspect” his cum-ex amnesia “might” be faked, but tonight he showed something like a spine. Or balls maybe.
Oh boy, so much. I don’t want Merz, and I don’t want him to embrace AfD. His “Brandmauer” is a chalk line.
His “Brandmauer” is a bunch of leaking gas canisters on a bed of hay.
He also railed against it, saying it wasn’t something they said, but what the media forced upon them. Which was a total lie of course.
I despise this person so much and I can not understand how they like him. But they are leading in the polls, so it seems I’m in a minority. Yay.
The speech Scholz gave tonight might have been the first time I’ve felt something like respect for him. I still think he’s a wet paper towel of a man and I “suspect” his cum-ex amnesia “might” be faked, but tonight he showed something like a spine. Or balls maybe.