Here’s a quick video of my preferred horde base build. I haven’t seen people using the electric fences lengthways like this before, and doubling them up too, with one upside down above the other. -It’s a very effective design. The zombies barely damage the structure, instead preferring to run back up the stairs once more… Day 42 horde, they didn’t even get past the first walkway, the sum total damage was one electric fence down (but the 2nd piece of wire kept them busy), and some minor damage to the first blade trap. Apart from that, just the odd few points off a couple of pillars. Soon will add a dart trap too, just for fun, but not quite sure where to position it yet… Also, looking into using motion sensors etc, but need to read up on if a zombie can activate a motion sensor for a dart trap…? Or are they just for doors and stuff? Any thoughts/comments would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Sweet design. There are lots of ideas in there that are new to me. Do have any video of it on horde night?
And I find blade traps are better overhead and vertical too. Good directly outside doorways for example. Like above a tunnel/trapdoor horde base entrance.
Not yet, I’ll try make one. It’s horde night 49 tomorrow, evening of 48 right now… This is me first play through since 1.0 release… So I haven’t experienced a night 49 blood moon yet…
I don’t think horde strength is determined directly by the day but more with your game stage (level mainly).
Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s right