Battle of Cable Street

There’s a wonderful story that took place in Cable Street London on the 4th October 1936, at the time a predominantly Jewish and minority area. A far right extremist by the name Sir Oswald Mosley who styled his views on Hitler and the fascist movement that was developing through Europe, he had rallied his troops, A bunch of Nazi thugs to walk through Cable Street to intimidate the local migrant population but through the organisation of unions, workers, anarchist, socialist and communists, as well as minority groups we pushed back Oswald Mosley and his Nazi thugs and we pushed them so hard that we never saw Oswald Mosley again. Well apart from an appearance in Peeky Blinders last season.

In our current world we are seeing glimpses of fascism, we see wealthy millionaires similar to ‘Sir’ Oswald Mosley telling us our NHS, social housing, education and even city council budgets are failing due to Immigration, identity politics, gender roles, and whatever else is the hot button topic of the day.

We say no, our NHS is failing due to privatisation. Our social housing has been switched for “affordable housing”. Education has been stripped and throttled for years. Councils are to run as business’s thanks to Maggie Thatcher and now we watch our councils die like business too.

If anyone reading this feels as annoyed as myself and want to be on the right side of history, the side that will be celebrated like the men and women on Cable Street then get in touch or attend this up coming counter demo.

  • mindbleach
    4 months ago

    Defend our NHS!

    Maybe don’t pick a word that sounds like “defund.”

    Protect. Shield. Strengthen. English is not short for synonyms.