I currently have my business phone number on JMP through Chatterboxtown.us. Apparentlly, I now have a Snikket account set up to which I can migrate to, presumably for more reliable phone service. Problem is, I’m trying to learn what this entails and what to expect but I can’t find any documentation to read through to learn. Since this is my business phone, I’m not interested in fumbling through it and learning along the way at the risk of losing service, stored messages, contact info, etc. The only thing I know is I can use the “invitation” from Snikket to get set up, but that isn’t educational - it actually just creates questions.

Is there a migration guide out there somewhere that I’m missing to learn about this migration? I want to learn what happens to my message history, contacts, etc etc. I have a lot of customer history and contacts in this business account and I need to be confident what I’m actually doing.


  • MattJ@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    I’ll add that - regardless of the migration - if you have conversation history in the app which is valuable to you (it sounds like you have), do make sure you export backups (Settings->Backups) and put the resulting files somewhere safe (outside your phone). Also make sure you store your account password(s) securely somewhere, because they are required to decrypt the backup file if you need to access it in the future.