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Political Discussion and Commentary - Lemmy.World
lemmy.worldA place to discuss politics and offer political commentary. Self posts are
preferred, but links to current events and news are allowed. Opinion pieces are
welcome on a case by case basis, and discussion of and disagreement about issues
is encouraged! The intent is for this community to be an area for open &
respectful discussion on current political issues, news & events, and that means
we all have a responsibility to be open, honest, and sincere. We place as much
emphasis on good content as good behavior, but the latter is more important if
we want to ensure this community remains healthy and vibrant. Content Rules: 1.
Self posts preferred. 2. Opinion pieces and editorials are allowed on a case by
case basis. 3. No spam or self promotion. 4. Do not post grievances about other
communities or their moderators. Commentary Rules 1. Don’t be a jerk or do
anything to prevent honest discussion. 2. Stay on topic. 3. Don’t criticize the
person, criticize the argument. 4. Provide credible sources whenever possible.
5. Report bad behavior, please don’t retaliate. Reciprocal bad behavior will
reflect poorly on both parties. 6. Seek rule enforcement clarification via
private message, not in comment threads. 7. Abide by Lemmy’s terms of service
[https://legal.lemmy.world/tos/#content-policy-rules-for-users] (attacks on
other users, privacy, discrimination, etc). Please try to up/downvote based on
contribution to discussion, not on whether you agree or disagree with the
commenter. Partnered Communities: • Politics [https://lemmy.world/c/politics] •
Science [https://lemmy.world/c/science]
Perfect, all day while browsing Lemmy i thought to myself, you know what self, there is far too little political discussions on Lemmy. I think we really needed a community dedicated to it.
It’s the place we could redirect people to now that [email protected] prevents US politics discussions
That is the only positive I see.
Maybe at least now the discussions can happen there instead?