No injuries were reported and law enforcement was contacted after the bullet struck the right side of the aircraft just under the flight deck. At the time, the crew of Flight 2494 was preparing the plane for departure from Dallas Love Field Airport, Southwest said in a statement.

The Boeing 737-800 aircraft was “struck by gunfire near the cockpit” around 8:30 p.m. while taxiing before the flight to Indianapolis International Airport. The plane returned to the gate and the passengers exited, the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement.

  • Miles O'
    4 months ago

    They don’t fuck around with aviation investigations.

    Whoever did it better leave absolutely no evidence and melt the gun before the alphabet squad comes pounding the door in.

    That or it’s just a lone wolf good ol boy who deeply regrets his medication made him do that, and his pain and suffering from guilt is punishment enough.