It’s Arcane Show based on LoL

    4 months ago

    Firm disagree. League is more streamlined than DOTA, and this is actually more interesting IMO.

    For example the dance of trading and last hitting has enough depth that we don’t need denying to make things exciting. This allows us to focus more carefully on the variation involved with trading well without arbitrarily raising the skill ceiling.

    I don’t doubt some people enjoy the third layer DOTA adds, it’s just that I feel League allows people to focus more of what is fun in MOBAs rather than being an unending knowledge check.

    Wild Rift is even better for refining the genre further. For something obviously too simplified you could point to ML:BB, but Wild Rift is noticeably on a whole other level. There really is a sweet spot and I think it’s closer to League than DOTA.