In one of the largest corporate blackmail schemes in modern history, the popular fast food chain has reportedly sent the following ultimatum to millions of i...
It took me a stupid amount of time to realize that it’s not about mass transit system being underfunded and wanting for money. Not even the presence of the word “customers” tipped me off, it was only after I encountered the words “eat subway” that I thought, “huh, that’s strange. Don’t they mean ‘eat inside the subway’? Fare dodgers that eat inside public transport?”
It took me a stupid amount of time to realize that it’s not about mass transit system being underfunded and wanting for money. Not even the presence of the word “customers” tipped me off, it was only after I encountered the words “eat subway” that I thought, “huh, that’s strange. Don’t they mean ‘eat inside the subway’? Fare dodgers that eat inside public transport?”
I sliced, pickled, and ate the onion.