I for one have stopped posting any content to lemmy.ml communities.

  • luciferofastora@lemmy.zip
    4 months ago

    Like .ml admins cracking down on people suggesting that Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” was catastrophe because it forced a political will ignorant of economic reality on a society violently robbed of the ability to resist, even terrorised into meeting their quotas at any cost? Or the fact that purging and suppressing all dissidents in the first place was cruel and authoritarian, a brutal abuse of power of the same kind as Stalin’s and (in this one aspect, at least) Hitler’s?

    I’m a leftist to the bone, I recognise that a revolution without bloodshed wouldn’t have been possible at the time (and maybe never will be) and that a hard hand forcing fundamental changes to the political and educational system may well be required, but .ml has a well-known Tankie problem and they’re all too eager to follow in the steps of the boots they so love to lick.