Not talking suicide. But, I mean more like an age where you know you won’t be dating anybody and that you don’t care if you let some of your health slide. Get a little chubby, drink some beers that you never did before, smoke like you never did before when you spent years avoiding the stuff when you were younger.

Stuff like that. I think I might get into smoking when I’m more into my 40s or something. I don’t care, life would’ve long pass me by then, it isn’t like I’m going to be a successful individual at 55 or something.

    3 个月前

    My grandfather in law died now at 93. He smoked for a long time. Died of COPD. With modern science and healthcare he could have lived longer. But smoking really fucked up his lungs and his oxygen uptake even from oxygen tanks became so degraded, he just stopped waking up from long naps. Now here’s the fun part. He stopped smoking when he was 55. But he started when he was 13. 42 years of smoking. And then afterwards 38 years of not smoking.

    The damage is irreversible.