Life does a lot, normally figures out how doggy works, but sorry for the language. If anyone here has worked in a cooler before, not just walk in fridges for restaurants or such I am looking for advice. They inquired about boots. I assume I need gloves, but what am I forgetting? ChapStick? Unknown? Please share and if you know what is cheap to acquire maybe recommend what you know. Thanks.

    • LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      Thanks, I know my lips chap every year when it gets cold so I figured I’d need to try to find something for that. I usually do well in cold weather. But having grown up in Florida, I never really had elongated spans of being out in it now. Where I live now we get snow on the ground for a few days, but I haven’t spent 8 hour chunks outside in it, so I figured getting advice would be better than going in blind.