Honestly, I don’t know enough to comment on that. I remember that during her brief stint as shadow health secretary she was known as one of the blairites given a job by Corbyn in a failed attempt to unite the party, but that’s all.
(Also, “labour right” doesn’t mean right wing in a wider context, it usually refers to Progress (Blairites), Labour First, and sometimes blue labour (although they’re kind of the opposite of progress).)
Is there anything particularly right wing about Heidi Alexander?
She was one of the first to join the failed coup against Corbyn in 2016.
Is there anything particularly right wing about her views?
Honestly, I don’t know enough to comment on that. I remember that during her brief stint as shadow health secretary she was known as one of the blairites given a job by Corbyn in a failed attempt to unite the party, but that’s all.
(Also, “labour right” doesn’t mean right wing in a wider context, it usually refers to Progress (Blairites), Labour First, and sometimes blue labour (although they’re kind of the opposite of progress).)