No one wants you to eat bugs.

    4 months ago

    “Let them eat cake” is a very old journalist meme about government indifference to the horrible suffering it causes to the impoverished people.

    “Let them eat cake” is the traditional translation of the French phrase “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, said to have been spoken in the 18th century by “a great princess” upon being told that the peasants had no bread. The phrase “let them eat cake” is conventionally attributed to Marie Antoinette, although there is no evidence that she ever uttered it, and it is now generally regarded as a journalistic cliché. The French phrase mentions brioche, a bread enriched with butter and eggs, considered a luxury food. The quote is taken to reflect either the princess’s frivolous disregard for the starving peasants or her poor understanding of their plight.

    Like many other memes and political slogans, it is falsely attributed to someone who actually didn’t say it.

    So we have gone from, “Let them eat cake” to “Make them eat cake [bugs]” as a political meme used by journalists and agitators to promote an agenda of faux resistance.