Finished replaying Ocarina of Time over the weekend and I’m relieved to say that it still slaps (hot take, I know)
The worst parts of the game, imo, are how much time you spend in menus and traversal, with the Water Temple being the biggest offender
Aside from that though the pacing is actually fantastic, with big story beats hitting quick and hard particularly at the beginning and end of the game
The final battle in particular is insanely hype
I’m just playing through Majora’s Mask (2Ship2Harkinian) after going through Ocarina (Ship of Harkinian) and the quality of life improvements those versions offer while staying true to the originals are really huge for me. Free camera control, quick actions for things like tunics and boots, d-pad item assignments, HD texture packs, etc. Highly recommend it for anyone who likes the games, I usually replay them once a year for nostalgic reasons, I will always use these versions moving forward for that now.
@[email protected] I’ll have to try those out some time! Currently I’m having a lot of fun replaying these games on my childhood N64 and controller. It’s kinda dumb because it is a worse version of the game, but I’m feeling the nostalgia
@[email protected] I got stuck in the water temple when I was 12 and haven’t touched it since
@[email protected] Understandable, on top of being tedious, it’s also by far the most challenging temple to complete
@[email protected] now you just gotta get a game genie to push L to levitate and start the second quest like the Triforce Hunters of lore.
@[email protected] ooh the Everdrive is on sale, so this is definitely happening