So I am using a goto plugin, and I want to make the choices larger font so they are easier to see. However anything over 20px starts cutting off on an ipad.

Is there anyway around this?

the line is:

[goto([truth], [font(“Truth”, “Bangers”, “35px”, “#3013a1”)])]

  • drdrai@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    I copy and pasted that and got an error… Apologies if I did it wrong. It didnt change anything on the game

    An error has occurred near line number 5: There’s a problem with the ‘0ea09xfgc0’ generator. You’ve created a top-level list called “<style>”, which is not allowed. Unfortunately top-level list names are subject to some strict rules: They must not contain any spaces They must only contain letters (lower or upper case), numbers and underscores (“_”) They must not begin with a number They must not be any of the following special “reserved” names: update, do, if, in, for, let, new, try, var, case, else, enum, eval, null, this, true, void, with, await, break, catch, class, const, false, super, throw, while, yield, delete, export, import, public, return, static, switch, typeof, default, extends, finally, package, private, continue, debugger, function, arguments, interface, protected, implements, instanceof Sorry for the inconvenience! These rules may seem strange, but they’re needed to make the more advanced features of the perchance engine work.

    • BluePower
      3 months ago

      Just some context, this error seems to only happen if you put that style snippet into the list panel, not the HTML panel (I know you might have found the solution already).