• MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz
    4 months ago

    The one imposing the standard is entirely me. My parents deliberately STEPPED AWAY from controlling me and my siblings lives as we came into adulthood. They’re incredible.

    Today we all treat each other like adults, (and humor mom by allowing her to baby us a bit) they’ve completely stepped down from being controlling influences in our lives. They advise, show concern, and voice opinions, but since turning 18, they’ve never once acted like we can’t do as we please.

    The way the acted towards us and each other left a huge impression. As I’ve gone on to live life I’ve truly come to realize and appreciate my parents are 2 in a million. I didn’t realize the significance of it while growing up, but thinking back now, the things they did blow me away. Like who makes a point of explaining each mistake they’ve made raising someone, as they realize what they were, TO that someone, and apologizing for them openly?!

    I think it’s actually made me and my siblings easier to control, we always listen if they have something to say, because we all see that they’re two of the wisest people we’ll ever know.