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Yup, and Steve said as much in the original video. They said they’ll continue to review NZXT products because they’re generally pretty good (except the RGB fan thing that caught on fire), but they refuse to accept sponsorship money because they don’t want to be associated with them.
This is the second major issue from them, and the way they handled it is exactly the same: deny the problem until they’re forced to, and then do the bare minimum to fix it.
Yup, and Steve said as much in the original video. They said they’ll continue to review NZXT products because they’re generally pretty good (except the RGB fan thing that caught on fire), but they refuse to accept sponsorship money because they don’t want to be associated with them.
This is the second major issue from them, and the way they handled it is exactly the same: deny the problem until they’re forced to, and then do the bare minimum to fix it.