Personally there are a few games which left me very dissappointed, after hyping myself up for years in certain cases.

Divinity Original Sin: turns out I prefer more streamlined, less packed games (love Pillars of Eternity) and that coop play in a CRPG stresses me out.

Wasteland 2: I actually managed to finish this one but secretly I admit I was hoping for a better Fallout which I didn’t really get. New Vegas did the cowboy theme much better.

INSIDE: while the design was cool, it was just a ton of boring, easy puzzles in comparison to LIMBO, its predecessor.

  • thewitchslayer
    2 years ago

    100% this. I almost dropped it because it took half of the main quest line to do anything interesting. But once I got there I was enamored. My friend and I just played through the game for the first time and we both had the same opinion: the story of what is currently happening is boring. The story of what happened in the past to get to this point is amazing. They did a bad job of making me care about the present day characters.