We are told we live in a world where everyone is equal, but when someone (or quite a lot of someones) suggest that the death of a rich white man might not be the tragedy we are told to think it is, suddenly all of the other rich white men are upset that that is the prevailing view, and they want to use their platforms to tell us that “yes it is and we should think it is”

If you ask most people they will tell you the lesson I learned a long time ago – a lesson most of us learn relatively young.

Not all deaths are worth mourning. You don’t have to celebrate them, but you don’t have to pretend that you are sad they are dead either.

  • mindbleach
    3 months ago

    Dude was headlining a meetup for other rich fucks, celebrating how much money they’d all made. If they’d amassed that wealth by giving people medicine, instead of by not giving people medicine… responses would differ.