• NarrativeBear@lemmy.world
    4 个月前

    What bothers me the most about Bill 212, Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act its solely “car brained”.

    As a example the 401 on an average weekday serves about 500,000 commuters. While the subway system in Toronto on a average weekday servers close to three times that. Could you imaging if all these transits riders instead commutted by car?

    Average travel times have increase along the 401 by 30-40 seconds, while on the Toronto subway average travel times have increase on average by 15min. (These are average times, we know a car commute can increase by about 5~10 minutes while a subway ride can increase by a hour)

    By this metric why does this bill not look at increasing reliability of transite? Cough Cough Ellington LRT, Cough Cough Finch West LRT. This is ultimately what bill 212 is distracting us from.

    Transit by these metrics is more efficient in moving larger amounts of people, but it’s failing in moving them quickly due to mismanagement and lack of public funding.

    Viable alternatives to car dependency is exactly what helps in Reducing Gridlock, and Saving You Time.

    But instead of focusing on viable alternatives, bike lanes are to blame, not the mismanagement of the new transits projects across Ontario and Canada.

    • FireRetardant@lemmy.world
      4 个月前

      When are they gonna fix the rail for the subway and save those people time? Oh you’re only worth govenment infrastructure if you’re burning oil, paying insurance premiums, and a big auto customer…