The incident unfolded on Aug. 2, 2022, after police received several 911 calls saying a man had broken into the municipal building and set several fires inside.

Officers arrived to find the suspect still inside the building, armed with a large machete.

Two officers armed with Anti Riot Weapon Enfield (ARWEN) devices shot the suspect nine times over the course of 35 minutes.

Despite undergoing surgery, the man lost one testicle. The other was injured and only a portion could be saved.

    2 days ago

    Gun control laws work for people of low intelligence or low moral character. A criminal of middling intelligence can get guns anywhere in the world. These criminals clearly were not very smart. They were impulsive and short-sighted, which is why they would not be able to get guns.

    The proper word for disarmed people is : SLAVE.

    If you are not allowed to be armed, you are a slave. You are not free. You can mealy-mouth it all you want with nonsensical and false political rhetoric, or try to massage the lie with statistics, or whatever. But the fact remains that a man who is disarmed is slave to the man who is armed. The armed man is allowed to easily kill you if you don’t submit to his commands, and that is slavery. Just because the masters put a cute tin star and hat on the slavers, doesn’t change the nature of what they are: SLAVERS.

    “Those who beat their swords into plowshares plow for those who didn’t.”

    Someone has declared themself your master, and told their slave, ‘thou shalt not resist by force, the force we force upon you; thou shalt call this, freedom, safety, and law.’

    Many slaves love their slavery. They have a word for it : FREEDOM. These ‘freedom’ loving slaves desire to force their ‘freedom’ on others, using officers with guns to do it. How do they do this? Why, they beg their master government to use guns, to impose this unarmed state of ‘freedom’ on everyone else. So those arguing for gun control aren’t arguing for gun control. They are arguing for men with guns to control other people without guns and keep them that way. There is a word for this: HYPOCRISY.

    Advocates of gun control are against violence, unless it is state thugs doing the violence to people they don’t like. Then they are pro-violence all day, every day, praising the violence their police do to others in the name of their slavery racket.