I’ve been waiting to finish up with some major life stuff before diving into the world of 3D printers. Now that is finally behind me, and I am currently trying to find out which printer I want so that I can place an order.

So far I’ve set my eyes on the new Prusa CORE One. It ticks a lot of the boxes that I think I am after, including:

  • As open as I can get (before going into that Voron-stuff, which I think I’m not ready for). I don’t want to be bogged down with having to run proprietary slicers through Wine and things like that. I am not sure how big of an issue that is with e.g. Bambu or Creality (if at all), but I’ve seen enough rug-pulls and enshittification processes that I don’t really want to risk that. I want to be sure that I can use FOSS tools such as Blender and FreeCAD for design, and similarly open slicers, and the whole workflow will work just fine.
  • As future-proof as I can possibly hope for. I think the upgrade path from the MK4 to CORE One shows that they are serious about sustainability and longevity of their devices, and as far as I can tell, I should have no troubles sourcing replacement parts. I also want to support companies with this philosophy.
  • Has a decent print volume (I know there are bigger, maybe I will be constrained by this at some point?)
  • Enclosed - a major reason I did not want the MK4S was that it was not enclosed (but maybe you can get an enclosure?). It will be placed in my study where I spend most of my computer time (which often times is a lot, so I imagine I will be in the room while it is printing). I imagine, with the additional filter, that it will be better with an enclosure. Also, it will be easier to keep good temperature control during prints, as it can get cold here during winter.
  • Locally produced (I’m EU based).

I understand that other manufacturers provide more “bang for the buck” and that I in that sense will be overpaying feature-wise. I am fine with that given my emphasis on the above criteria.

However, I am a complete newbie to 3D-printing. I am sure there are some limitations I have not thought about, and I was wondering if there are any major things I have not thought about that would actually affect me negatively and should make me reconsider this model?

  • Honza@mastodon.arch-linux.cz
    3 个月前

    @cyberwolfie @cyberwolfie you might wanna checkout ratrig too, they’re a Portuguese company (tho I don’t know where they manufacture the printers, Prusa has factory in Prague) and are kind of open too.

    As for Slicer, you can use Prusaslicer for Bambulab or Creality, Bambulab has their own slicer opensourced (actually fork from Prusaslicer) and AFAIK works on linux.

    You’ll always be able to use freecad, blender whatever modelling tool. You model it and export STL, which can be then fed into any slicer.

    As for HW, it’s hard to say. Průša core one isn’t much more pricey than Bambu, what it can do we shall yet to see.

    Bambulab started as closed source, but it seems they’ve been opening at least some of it (they now allow custom firmware, allegedly offline firmware updates, so you can run them fully offline), whereas Průša has moved from the 100% opensource to someting more restrictive, still being much more open than Bambulab.

    N. B. I’m a Prusa owner and have never owned a Bambulab.