In The Batman (2022), Thomas Wayne was assassinated by the mob because he refused to be complicit in corruption. This is a reference to the fact that the only good billionaire is a dead billionaire.
Bruce Wayne is of course exempt from this rule, because he’s a superhero in a comic book movie who knows kung fu.
Are you joking? Of course he would. He only took up being as fascist plutocrat vigilante because someone killed his daddy: a CEO.
Batman is just another way the wealthy subvert the institutions trying to check their economic power. In this case by visiting violence directly.
Does that theory fit with the fact that Batman often busts crooked cops?
Neither vigilantes nor billionaires are known for a coherent moral philosophy.
In The Batman (2022), Thomas Wayne was assassinated by the mob because he refused to be complicit in corruption. This is a reference to the fact that the only good billionaire is a dead billionaire.
Bruce Wayne is of course exempt from this rule, because he’s a superhero in a comic book movie who knows kung fu.