It looks like the end of the console-exclusive era is marching ever forward. On the one hand, more game studios are embracing simultaneous launch strategies, as was recently emphasized by both Square Enix and Ubisoft adopting multi-platform simultaneous launches for Fantasian Neo Dimension and Assas...
Platform silos have been an obstacle to developers since the turn of the millennium. RenderWare provided an It Just Works™ back-end for PC / PS2 / Gamecube / Dreamcast / Xbox / Macintosh / GBA / Intellivision / et cetera. Ports no longer had to be from-scratch recreations or outsourced code-butchery. Devs figured out they sell more copies… if they have access… to more customers. That’s why “engines” became common knowledge, and remain a big fucking deal. Software won.
Nobody makes “a Playstation game” anymore. There is already no such thing as an Xbox game.
But there are Unreal games. There are Unity games. There are Godot games. They run on whatever. Of course some Vulkan/x86 project will run on another brand of Vulkan/x86 computer. Everything is a whole-ass computer now. All computers are basically the same. Even the ARM-based Switch will chug along, once you convert textures to ASTC. There effectively has not been a console released since the Wii U.
Microsoft’s been weird about the Xbox brand because they saw this coming a mile off. How could they not? They caused it. The Xbox only exists to computerify the console market. The OG Xbox was literally a Pentium III PC. The whatever-this-one’s-called is an AMD laptop, nearly identical to Sony’s AMD laptop. So it was in the previous generation. Microsoft even launched this one with two hardware specs, forcing devs to be flexible.
The console war is over and nobody told Sony.