It’s not weird to be self-contradicting when you are are solidly established as being full of shit.
It drives me nuts for example when people say that it’s strange that Trump said X but is doing Y. It’s perfectly predictable, it’s not strange. Know your source and set your expectations.
These assholes care about what happens literally halfway around the world, than the bonfire happening in their own backyard. I’m still processing the level of stupidity, apathy and plain lack of awareness on display. Now I’m guessing they’ve taken to criticizing social media posts to vent their virtue signals.
I’ll appeal to urban dictionary as the authority to say that no hard-line Stalinist wants Trump except as a means of acceleration towards capitalism’s downfall.
Let’s not pretend here. Over half of America voted for him this time. Last time almost half of America voted for him.
This is America. You can blame russia, you can blame whoever, but still the end of the day this is America and Americans fault.
Go talk to the 60% of white people in this country who voted for him and make them realize that they are idiots and racists. Then maybe you’ll get a change.
This. I wish they’d stop blaming others and take ownership of their vote, or choice to sit it out. Instead. everything from Biden, to Kamala following Biden, to the Dems being a mess, to whats happening in Ukraine and Gaza, etc seems to be more important. Fools.
The KKK’s choice.
The Taliban’s choice.
The Kremlin’s choice.
And Qanon’s choice which is so weird because they claim to protect the children but it’s their guy who’s the one who’s not protecting our children.
Even money the Kremlin and qanaon are one
There does seem to be lots of evidence that supports this:
It’s not weird to be self-contradicting when you are are solidly established as being full of shit. It drives me nuts for example when people say that it’s strange that Trump said X but is doing Y. It’s perfectly predictable, it’s not strange. Know your source and set your expectations.
They’re just accelerationists.
And America’s choice, apparently. Next 4 years are gonna be a ride.
Thank you for saying it. A steady 30% Americans are pathologically dumb enough to drag the rest of the country into their own private hellscape
You say 30%, I say the majority who gives enough of a fuck to vote…
Plenty of blame to go around!
These assholes care about what happens literally halfway around the world, than the bonfire happening in their own backyard. I’m still processing the level of stupidity, apathy and plain lack of awareness on display. Now I’m guessing they’ve taken to criticizing social media posts to vent their virtue signals.
Don’t forget the tankies choice, too.
Be them authoritarian or not, no communist wants him.
True commies… sure. But tankies get off from authoritarian oligarchs.
I think we define “tankie” differently.
I’ll appeal to urban dictionary as the authority to say that no hard-line Stalinist wants Trump except as a means of acceleration towards capitalism’s downfall.
Meanwhile stalin and his gang were oligarchs capitalists.
I’m not sure what response you expect to ad hominem. This’ll have to suffice.
Sure that’s what they say, but actions speak a lot louder than words.
I am not willing to take any political radicals word for it.
Have you asked them why or did you make shallow assumptions of their intent?
Let’s not pretend here. Over half of America voted for him this time. Last time almost half of America voted for him.
This is America. You can blame russia, you can blame whoever, but still the end of the day this is America and Americans fault.
Go talk to the 60% of white people in this country who voted for him and make them realize that they are idiots and racists. Then maybe you’ll get a change.
Nope, less than half of eligible voters did in fact vote for Trump. This is quite less than half of America in addition.
63% of eligible voters voted in 2024 and 49% of the popular vote went to Orange Hitler.
155000000 out of 244000000 voters voted roughly. About 76000000 voted for the orange pedo, which is about 23% of the USA’s population of 336000000.
Not half the population. Using approximates:
US population: 345 million
Can vote: 245 million
Did actually vote: 156 million (63%)
Voted drump: Just over half (78 million or 50.5%) of those that voted
US population who voted for tangerine: Around 22%, or 1 in 4
US population who could vote and did vote for tangerine: 31%, or 1 in 3
This. I wish they’d stop blaming others and take ownership of their vote, or choice to sit it out. Instead. everything from Biden, to Kamala following Biden, to the Dems being a mess, to whats happening in Ukraine and Gaza, etc seems to be more important. Fools.