Humans who run instances are real people who have jobs and mortgages and kids. I also like having piracy communities around to balance the greedy ass corporations trying to control media and copyright…I’m glad to know they are there if I need them or feel like screwing around with it. I just wonder if the people ranting all indignantly acting like instances are competing for their usership would feel the same if the most active instance was on a server physically sitting in their basement, or paid for by money tied to them in the real world. Yes it seems pretty unlikely that you’re ever going to run into issues with law enforcement, copyright claims, lawsuits…but how much would you risk for a fucking hobby you do for free? Would you risk your house? Your job? I would not. Grow up. No one cares what instance you use.

      1 year ago

      Everyone vocal on “your side” seem to have really limited world view and generally just bad attitude. No one seems to be willing to even explain the logic behind why this is wrong or at least show some understanding of the problem.

      Edit. And by “you” I don’t mean pirates, do what you want, but the people complaining about an instance protecting themselves from possible legal trouble.

      • CaptainEffort
        1 year ago

        Imo it’s fine if they want to block the community - it’s their instance. Whatever. But the logic is kind of twisted.

        Discussing piracy isn’t illegal, full stop. They don’t host pirated content, they don’t link to pirated content, hell they don’t even link to websites that link to torrents. It’s literally just discussion.

        The owner of is allowed to block them out of fear, that’s their right. But it’s still a complete overreaction ignited by a transphobic troll account.

            1 year ago

            I was the guy that originally posted the announcement to c/[email protected] that hit the front page. Posted it from my account that I’ve since migrated from.

            The guy you replied to has the same opinion as me. I shared it because I disagreed with the decision and thought that it deserved to be spread to inform others - and since it’s only mildly infuriating that seemed like the best community for it.

            Everyone vocal on “your side” seem to have really limited world view and generally just bad attitude

            It’s funny that you wrote this because I genuinely couldn’t tell which side you were talking about at first. When I made my post I was shocked by how many people who didn’t care about the community block felt the need to be dismissive, talk about overreaction, said that people were whining and should shut up, etc. Shocked because it was a big tonal assumption. I wasn’t whining or complaining, just discussing. And if we should shut up over a single post about it, how would we ever get the word out so that those who disagreed could leave. “Their side” seemed really bull-headed with bad attitudes to me. It felt like we were being told to just quietly leave without making any noise - but how would we know to if we didn’t make any posts or comments?

            Anyway, this isn’t to accuse you or “your side” of actually being that way. More so it’s just highlighting how when we’re only dealing with text, it can be very easy to assume a certain tone, especially when it’s someone you disagree with. We could probably all benefit from questioning our assumptions a little more often. I know there are people on “my side” who get far too vehement about it. But overall, we just want freer access to information

              1 year ago

              That comment was made after exclusively arguing with folks who had nothing to say, expect that the decision was fascist/narcissistic/etc. No explanation beyond weird buzzwords.

        1 year ago

        I’m not complaining about them protecting themselves. I switched, remember? I’m complaining about OP’s complaining of others complaining, and those like him. I get it, liability for the lemmy provider. Makes sense. But then to be like OP and kick those that just lost something they liked while they are down… kick him back.