I’m familiar with one-uppers - like if you say I only got 6 hours of sleep last night and someone has to chime in and say “that’s nothing! I got only 3 hours”
So something similar to that but not one-upping.
Like if you said "I worked in a warehouse once, my boss was cool, and the work wasn’t bad. " And then someone replied with, “I don’t know what gravy-ass, non-real-job place you worked at, but every warehouse I have worked in sucks!”
So, the person is kind of one-upping but that the same time trying to claim that your lived experience isn’t true and their experience is the way things actually are.
Is there a word for that?
In the trade industry here in New Zealand, we have a specific term for such a person, we generally refer to them as ‘cunt’
it’s gaslighting. yep Definitely gaslighting. I totally know what gaslighting means and everything I don’t like is gaslighting
or maybe it’s woke. tell them to stop gaslighting you with their woke comments
I think what you are describing is either egocentric bias or experiential bias.
“ Egocentric bias is the tendency to rely too heavily on one’s own perspective and/or have a higher opinion of oneself than reality. It appears to be the result of the psychological need to satisfy one’s ego “
Thanks, this sounds like the most accurate and precise answer to the question.
Yeah, the method used sounds like some sort of selection bias (cherry-picking or whatever you want to call it), but the motivation behind it (as there is a definite intent here to steer the discussion) is likely egocentric or just a general need to be contrarian or condescending.
The word my family uses for that is “mom”.
Yes- they are invalidating or minimizing your experience.
Anecdotal evidence
If it’s even an argument and not a simple refutation, I think it’s got to be based on personal anecdote, but it also kinda just sounds like “No, you’re wrong.” with a sprinkle of anecdote or no true Scotsman.
Argument from asininity?
Unless it’s stupid, then it’s anecdodo.
Reminds me of the “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy based on the example you provided. Wiki article
Conservative/ reactionary.
No seriously. Take the time to look at the structure and framing of conservative and reactionary arguments. Its almost ALWAYS rooted in strictly their lived experience: no other lived experience matters. The answers others are giving are technically correct, but also miss how deeply rooted this particular structure is in political identity.
Insecure, contrarian, infantile.
Look, I don’t know what made-up arguments you’ve been in, but whenever I post online, no one has ever tried to dismiss my experiences as untrue.
The Linux Argument.
Non-jokes aside, there are multiple names for this. Anecdotal evidence is the primary one while confirmation bias is discarding statements (factual or fictional) that do not align with your vision.