I need to get into my password manager as I am transitioning browser programs. And I can’t remember my password to a site nor the password to my password manager.

Le sigh. I trapped myself in this hell but I still hate it.

  • Panda@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I had a similar problem with my old password manager and their customer support refused to help me (despite them being fully aware it was really me, the owner of the account, sigh). Password managers are great, but sometimes even having to remember one password is a pain.

    What you could do is make up a random phrase, or a combination of unrelated words or acronyms that can’t be linked to you in any way and can’t be easily guessed by others (so not a birthdate, for example), yet are easy to remember (maybe because they are silly and nonsensical they will be easier to remember).