Rockapella performs the theme for WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN SANDIEGO?, the game show that aired from 1991 to 1995. Featuring Lynne Thigpen as the Chief an...
In the late 80’s and into the mid 90’s, I had two very specific jobs as a kid. My brother and I had to get up from the couch and either adjust the tracking on the VCR or hit the side of the TV with a deadblow hammer to get the green spot to go away. Considering that, whoever digitized this masterpiece needed desperately to adjust the tracking.
Thanks for that lol. I had almost forgotten that “tracking” was ever a thing, and now I feel 100 years old. I can probably use that as an age-verification question 😆
In the late 80’s and into the mid 90’s, I had two very specific jobs as a kid. My brother and I had to get up from the couch and either adjust the tracking on the VCR or hit the side of the TV with a deadblow hammer to get the green spot to go away. Considering that, whoever digitized this masterpiece needed desperately to adjust the tracking.
Thanks for that lol. I had almost forgotten that “tracking” was ever a thing, and now I feel 100 years old. I can probably use that as an age-verification question 😆