Never heard of Haoqi but I’d be pretty hesitant to send it on this thing. Anyone ridden one before or heard of the company?
I believe they’re in the same “type group” as Aventon, Lectric, etc. Sold in bike stores and DTC. Not tier 1 stuff and not aimed at people who use the word “send” in an MTB context ;) but good enough for most people who haven’t normalized "Only “$8K??? Damn that’s a deal!”
Edit to add - and yes it was a deal and no I don’t have a problem.
What bike?
I have a Santa Cruz Heckler for fun, but I was using an Aventon cargo bike for all my shopping until just recently, it’s being sold and replaced with a fat tire. The heckler was stupid, the others are both in that DTC/store class, 2kish range.
Fat tires are great for snow and sand
No and the last time I trusted some alphabet soup company to make a safe bike, I got my arm broken (thanks ENGWE!). Then eventually paid for my helmet after half a year of fighting them, and my medical bills were none of their concern.
I have an Engwe and would not trust it to even go near a real trail.
The only air I got on mine is when the front fender failed and threw me