I’m just getting into 3d printing and I’m looking for some recommendations. My budget is $400 and I’ve narrowed it down to the sv06+ or the Ender-3 V3. I like that the print size is bigger on the sv06+ but all reviews point to the Ender, do you guys have any recommendations for me?

Also maybe the bambu a1? Or a1 mini? I don’t like that the firmware isn’t open source though.

I’m OK tinkering but just want some insight.


  • morbidcactus@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Are you planning to regularly print large items? Around that price range could get you a formbot v0.2 kit with printed parts. It’s core xy and open source if that matters to you. Print size is 120x120x120 which is small for sure, but in my experience, most of the stuff I print falls in that range (I have a 350mm v2.4 and a mk3s I’ve rarely filled the build plate on either, I’d love a few small printers for quick test prints). It’s also enclosed, can put a Nevermore Micro in it for fumes, and it’s designed to be able to print abs. Supposed to be able to print all the parts for larger vorons on it too if you ever do wish to go larger.

    My first printer was a MendelMax 2 kit that I had to sell unfortunately due to a move and not wanting to ship a glass bed cross country. I personally like a kit for a first build, while I get that people don’t vibe with tinkering or maintenance, you’ll learn a lot and you can tweak it to your liking.

    You could source from a Canadian vendor (assuming you’re Canadian based on your instance), I’ve sourced a lot from Spool3D in Calgary but will cost you more than the formbot kit. Definitely recommend them for future needs. 3D labtech carries a lot of mods, had great experiences with both of them.