• caseyweederman@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Halo Reach was my favorite.
    Then 4 came in, ignored everything we’d gained in the story (splinter sect to re-bad the Sangheli), and a new gun category that in fact flattened the UNSC and Covenant guns into direct analogs of each other, so we ended up with 0.75 categories of weaponry instead of the promised 3.0. Pistol, blue pistol, red pistol. Sniper, blue Sn6iper, red sniper, etc. Felt like they’d learned the wrong lesson from the Halo Online pay-to-win debacle in Russia (dozens of clones of each gun with very minor differences in color, rounds per reload, and fire rate).

    …the exception being the grenade launcher that fires rockets that explode into rockets. That was dope.

    I wonder if the ElDewrito version of Halo Online is still up and running? The website looks well-maintained.