Russians during Christmas: let’s save missiles for two weeks so we can hit Ukraine EXTRA HARD on Christmas Day
“What military targets should we be searching for, sir?”
“Military targets?”
Part of it is also that the Russians don’t celebrate Christmas until January 7 because they still use the Julian calendar, whereas Ukraine recently switched over to using the Gregorian calendar to put themselves more in line with the rest of Europe and distance from Russia, and switched their holiday dates accordingly.
So while Ukraine is celebrating Christmas, the Russians attack, and so now I think it’s only fitting that Ukraine responds in kind when the Russians hold theirs in January.
It’s funny to think of Washington as a terrorist. He’d surely be defined as one today.
Rebellion and terrorism are basically the same things until you win.
Towards Native Americans, but not with regards to the British. The American Revolutionary War had very little direct targeting of civilians or like terror tactics by either side.
He did say towards native Americans.
Having been to war, the europeans had it right. Most war is just bullshit fighting to enrich the upper classes. Why kill some guy who is in the same boat as you? They convince us to kill our own class so that we don’t start a class war with the rich.