So i have a problem with almost constatly being bored also ima young adult so boredom is kinda common around this time. you might be shocked but i cant drive yet becasue im not intersted also im super afraid to drive. i spend most my time indoors becasue it shot outside and scary (thats the dessert for ya). i usally watch youtube and sometimes i play video games but i just want to do something more with my life, ya know? im just not sure what.

also i feel like i post about this kind of stuff way too much… i also want money but i also want to have fun which is annoying.

    1 year ago

    Learn something / pick up a hobby. Programming can be very rewarding and can set you up for a career but other things are equally fun. I also enjoy electroplating and you can get started relatively cheaply. Various arts / mediums can also take up a lot of time and energy while allowing you to express yourself