So we got one of these rather silly sponge holder ducks.
The only problem is that Mr. Quacks here doesn’t quite weigh enough. With a sponge his beak – especially one that’s laden with water – he’s prone to falling over into the sink. The sponge is held quite a ways outboard, and altogether the entire duck only weighs 65.4 grams.
I tried one other gimcrack solution before this, which was to glue a suction cup to his butt. That didn’t work very well.
Instead, I opted to fill him up with some ballast. These will do nicely.
Yes, all of these pictures were just taken on my grubby stovetop. No, I am not going to pull out all the stops to perform my usual level of photography on, let’s not put too fine a point on it, a butt plug for a rubber duck. I used a very short (less than a meter) scrap of left over TPU I had lying around to make a… cork… so I could fill the duck with ballast and then keep it all inside.
I am also given to understand that I should have perhaps made such at thing corkscrew shaped, but I am very sorry to inform you that I didn’t do this, either.
I didn’t count how many BB’s I used. Two fillings of that speed loader that came with my Crosman M4, is what it was. I’ll let you do the math: Now he weighs a much more suitable 265.7 grams, a little over four times the original weight, and acts rather like a weeble-wobble. With this you can tip him over so far the sponge falls out before he topples over himself. And can also shake him like a maraca, if you’re really bored.
the 3d printer:
Are you threatening me?
rrrrolios for my cornholio
I am also given to understand that I should have perhaps made such at thing corkscrew shaped, but I am very sorry to inform you that I didn’t do this, either.
My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined
rubber duck butt plug brings about a few different mental images
And it’s a great band name
Risky search of the day.
Ya know, you don’t need to search for every phrase you read online.
Just don’t use TPU for your actual bunghole, it’s not body safe and will give you ass cancer
u/fuckswithducks, that you?
Everything about this post is FIRE! FIRE!
Yes, I would now like to have a duck sponge holder as well. Thanks.
That’s a nice dussy