Using G10 can recommend if you scratch it up you can just use the other side and if you have a metal probe you can add aluminium tape to the side you aren’t using and get full functionality.
I pop my PEI bed with finished print into the freezer for about 5 minutes. Pops right off, every time. No tape, no glue, I just wash the bed with soapy water between prints.
Fourth rule… painters tape as bed surface will save your PEI sheets and holds PETG really well.
Or G10/Garolite
Using G10 can recommend if you scratch it up you can just use the other side and if you have a metal probe you can add aluminium tape to the side you aren’t using and get full functionality.
Or just use a textured PEI plate at the proper bed temperature. There is very little need for special adjuncts to print PETG.
I pop my PEI bed with finished print into the freezer for about 5 minutes. Pops right off, every time. No tape, no glue, I just wash the bed with soapy water between prints.