I’ve recently learnt about Gemini and I’m reasonably sure that I can write a Django extension to allow the same code I use to run my website also serve more-or-less the same information over Gemini. Unfortunately, while I’m familiar with Django internals, I’ve always relied on Gunicorn + Nginx/Traefik to handle the HTTP portion of the request/response.

So if I’m going to do this, I need to know what to use to speak Gemini. I found the very simple aiogemini, which I can improve upon and probably link to Django’s URL handler, but it’s based on asyncio, while Django only partially supports async. I also have no idea what might be fine to replaced the traefik (let alone cert-manager) portion of the process.

I could try to write something from scratch, but there’s no sense in reinventing a square wheel, so I thought I’d ask here.

  • Silverchase
    2 months ago

    Implementing the protocol from scratch should at least be simple given how thin the spec is.