It depends on what your cup of tea is. It’s a nasty slasher that focus more on brutal rather than innovative kills (so a contrast with recent films like In A Violent Nature), with one of the great modern horror villains. The second film, I felt, rather lost it’s focus but the third hit a better balance.
Ultimately, you aren’t going to know until you watch them but if they sound like you might like them, then give them a go.
It depends on what your cup of tea is. It’s a nasty slasher that focus more on brutal rather than innovative kills (so a contrast with recent films like In A Violent Nature), with one of the great modern horror villains. The second film, I felt, rather lost it’s focus but the third hit a better balance.
Ultimately, you aren’t going to know until you watch them but if they sound like you might like them, then give them a go.
I think I will!